

ok, here i come again.
yesterday, 4/7
as usual, went to school for activity in the morning,
it was AGM..
F5 are leaving..
well, nothing much about that.
at night, went kulim with my parents.
had dinner with my father's friends.
taht time was quite late..
saw miss chu yi there.
the food was quite nice
and the most important,
it was not too expensive,
so quite okay to had dinner there ^^
then, still not going back home,
went for CRC (吉南华人体育会)
went there for karaoke
sang many songs there..
and and drank wine and beer!
long time i don't drink already..
this time i drak more than the other time.
1 cup of beer and 2 cups of red wine.
nice ^^
but so good that i didn't drunk.
about 11 something, we bid goodbye and went home
reach home was about 12 already.
then i was so tired and straight went to bed..

today, 5/7
woke up early as we were going to penang to have lunch
at E&O, with my mother's side family.
celebrate the return of my cousin fran from taiwan.
so miss him^^
then, ate quite a lot..
i think my weight had increase..
nevermind as those food were delicious
i ate non-stop ==
enjoy it,
then they went home while my family and i went queensbay mall
for a walk.
i didn't buy anything,
cause i did not go to popular ==
long time didn't go there..

well, the class exam is approaching.
i still not start my revision YET..
so, how?
ya, start now...

2 评论:

cнαи 说...

hahaha, eat until fat fat. xD

~颖~ 说...

swt, i just saw ur comment...
ya fat fat liao..