
brand new day

yeah, here i come, again...
i think this is the first time that i update my blog so frequently..
ya, a new day, back to school today.
waiting for my papers, exam papers.

today, distributed two subjects only...
i though will be four.==
bm, i think i got the worst results(for paper 1) in my secondary life.
paper 1, i just scored a few marks.
and then, waiting for my paper 2,
hoping can get higher marks.
ya, it statisfied me...
the fist time i gt such a high marks for paper 2.

then, bc not very statisfied with it although the marks obtained is higher than my bm's.
well but still okay.
this time i think i got horrible results in all my paper 1,
except for bi and maths, i think so...
so, i had make a decision to study harder for my next exam,
percubaan, and mostly for my PMR.

tomorrow will be gotong-royong,
a bit hate it..
and i think will get about four subjects' result tomorrow.
hoping for it.

chan, it's over, take it easy,
you can write actually, and it is not too bad for your bc,
u still have enough time to improve.
we all sure will by your side, supporting you.

just now saw chankei's blog,
almost cried.
it happened too fast... and i am not well prepared to face it.
left only two months for us to be together........
you're always my best friends and
remembered our gang?
don't forget about it, i will too

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